Kenichi Kobayashi Photo Exhibition

Fascinated by the Sea

Sat, Sep 28 - Sat, Oct 5, 2024


The underwater world appears somewhat dull because certain wavelengths of light (red) do not reach it. However, when observing marine life up close, the colors are incredibly vibrant.

The coral reefs, in particular, are breathtaking, resembling a field of blooming flowers. The colors change depending on the tide, the angle of the sun, the depth of the water, and the size of the organisms. I am captivated by their richness and vibrancy, which inspires me to continue capturing them through photography.

This work features some of the most striking scenes I have photographed during my five years since moving to Okinawa. Please enjoy "Fascinated by the Sea," captured from land, sky, and underwater.

Kenichi Kobayashi, August 1, 2024


The Sea of Okinawa Main Island

Scenes Captured Over Five Years After Moving


1. The Sea from the Land

Conveying the emotion of witnessing the vibrant expanse of the sky and sea.

2. The Shallow Sea from the Sky

Conveying the emotion of flying over the colorful landscape.

3. The Shallow Sea from Underwater

Conveying the emotion of seeing the colors of marine life up close.

4. The Deep Sea from Underwater

Conveying the emotion of swimming alongside massive creatures in deep blue waters.

5. The Deep Sea from the Sky

Convey the awe of witnessing a chance encounter in the vast ocean.

Recreating the unending continuity of emotion (enchantment) through the return to each scenery.


Selected Works to be Exhibited



Kenichi Kobayashi

Born in 1978 in Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture. While working at an IT-related company, I began photographing water bodies and flowers through fishing and driving.

In 2013, I was captivated by the beauty of corals and sea turtles on Hateruma Island, leading to marine life becoming my main subject. I have continued to visit various locations in Okinawa throughout the seasons and moved to the main island in 2018.

I am currently engaged in photography in the seas of the central and northern parts of the prefecture while continuing to work.


Title Fascinated by the Sea
Period Saturday, September 28, - Saturday, October 5, 2024
Open 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
4-2-2 Waseda no Mori, Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture, bamils 1F-B
Access [Railway]
  • About 8 minutes on foot from JR Joetsu/Hokuriku Shinkansen Honjo-Waseda Station North Exit
  • About 7 minutes by taxi from JR Takasaki Line Honjo Station South Exit
  • About 5 minutes from Kan-Etsu Expressway Honjo Kodama IC (parking available in front of the gallery)
Fee Free
Works 594x841mm, 420x594mm, 297x420mm, 210x297mm, etc.
Color and monochrome, approximately 30 pieces (planned)
For Sale Available (Credit Cards Accepted)
Organizers ECHO GALLERY, Kenichi Kobayashi
Planning Chura Geographic Mon Amie jewelry

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